Guidelines: How a Child with SEN Perceives the World
These materials equip mainstream teachers with insights that enable them to better understand the daily challenges faced by students with various disorders, disabilities and impairments. Through the useful comprehensive infographics, teachers increase their knowledge of how children with SEN perceive the world allowing them to deal with day-to-day obstacles the children face.
Collection of Best Practice Examples
The collection offers practical examples of how teachers can apply special education methods customized to the specific requirements of students with special educational needs. These techniques are intuitive and easy to learn, presented through visuals and step-by-step instructions to ensure that teachers can quickly and easily implement them in their classrooms. The presentation of methods is concise and in a digestible way, eliminating the necessity for teachers to read long manuals due to their time constraints. That way teachers acquire an understanding of special pedagogy approaches applicable to the specific needs of students with SEN.
Special Activities Sheets for Pupils with SEN
The sheets offer teachers a variety of activities to implement the learned methods into action effectively. These activities feature diverse fonts, gamification tools, specialized worksheets, and other engaging materials designed to educate and entertain students with special educational needs in a fun and educational way. By providing teachers with these resources, they can apply the knowledge and techniques they have learned in a hands-on approach, thus promoting inclusivity and improving the quality of education for students with special educational needs. Through these tools, teachers can translate theoretical examples into practical applications, utilizing different activities and tools tailored to support children with SEN.
Educational Platform
A digital platform with an interactive interface serves as the primary online hub for teachers, granting them access to a comprehensive library of resources. This resource bank ensures teachers have access to relevant and up-to-date materials that can be used to improve their teaching methods. Additionally, the platform offers an interactive interface, enabling teachers to engage with the materials in a meaningful way, simplifying their integration into classroom practices. Improved teacher capacity via a digital platform offers an accessible hassle-free way to reach information promptly and with ease. That way teachers can dedicate more time to focus on the students rather than spending unnecessary time searching for ways how to help them.